Geoengineering and how Bill Gates plans to END humanity…

uomo tellus
11 min readApr 24, 2021

Geoengineering and Bill Gates’s horrible plan

Most people believe Bill Gates to be this fantastic individual, a humanitarian and generous philanthropist. But what if I tell you he is not? Yes, I’m here to expose to you some horrifying facts which will reconsider your believes on this ultra-rich man who now has a God-complex and desires to control and change life as it is.

Most first world countries have their citizens brainwashed by the use of media, news and behavioural economics. Your brains primed to believe what the controlling entities behind the curtens want you to believe. Bill Gates among others (Tech billionaires) has become one of the individuals presented to you as a virtues human who has you best interests as well as the best interests of biological life in mind. Little do you understand that Bill Gates is gambling with your life, that of your family, friends and future generations. Sadvana Shiva, a polymath and publically known critic on the neferious activities of Gates has more than often exposed how this one man, Bill Gates desires to monopolize the food industry. However, he wants to eradicate biological farming and continu the Monsanto GMO foods. These foods are toxic to the body as well as the chemicals (called pesticides) sprayed on them. These chemicals, believe it or not, are the same chemicals made and used to kill millions of people in the gaschambers during World War 2. Bill Gates disruption around the world has caused poverty and…



uomo tellus

Seeing reality as reality really is